Morgan Reneé Hill is an Interdisciplinary Artist based in East Lansing, MI.

Born and raised in Baltimore County, Maryland, Morgan Reneé Hill is an abstract artist who experiments with oil paint, charcoal, and ink. With a multidisciplinary background, her conceptual interests range from illegibility to linguistics, invisibility, contrasts between ephemerality and temporality, geography, and most importantly - spontaneous discovery. Hill holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting from Towson University and is currently a Master of Fine Arts Candidate at Michigan State University in Studio Art. Her current body of work cultivates a social practice that explores her intersectionality and the representation of blackness in the individual and social sphere of the everyday.

There are overwhelming amounts of work about black suffrage, black pain and the negative political effects on our people throughout history. Instead, I am contributing to the positive discussion of resilience and relation in the black community. Despite the environments we have been displaced to, we are determined to group together, generating fellowship and safe spaces; rendering visible which is often unseen.



morganhill542 @ gmail . com